03 March 2025

What's New in 4.42?

I’m delighted to introduce ebs 4.43, our last release of 2023. This release follows a summer of highlights: improved enrolment performance across our customer base; the first HESA Data Futures full returns, and the full implementation of the Ontrack Safeguarding module across many of our institutions. Crucially, we have achieved really significant milestones in reducing both our defect backlog and the number of new support tickets coming in monthly.

Changes in the database for this release are limited, with tables for adding off venue activity for HESA returns, and two new ILP tables. As we continue to improve the Progress and Performance suite based on customer feedback, there are database changes for Safeguarding, ILP, and the new Learner Progress & Performance Overview.

This year has been defined by greater customer involvement. Huge thanks are due to Simon and Toby for leading a number of site visits, and to the many colleges and adult education providers who hosted us. I hope you’re already seeing the benefit of your input, with extensive additional work in Safeguarding, ILP, the Welsh IDP, and the new Learner Progress & Performance Overview. This overview screen also marks the final desupport of Ontrack Teaching & Learning; from this release it is no longer supported and we recommend you migrate any last users over the Ontrack Staff and Ontrack Learner Hubs.

As with the previous release, users of ebs: central will be prompted to view the release notes post-upgrade. All changes are documented in the release notes, which we recommend all customers read; they contain key information on product updates and how you can make use of them. The release webinar for this release included a detailed demo of the new functionality, this has been recorded and is available to view on ebs Communities.

From 4.43 onwards we turn our focus to New Zealand with the DXP data refresh project for the New Zealand statutory return. The SDR, the annual statutory funding return for New Zealand, has significant changes, and this starts us on the path to an API-driven return in the future.

For those of you using our ILP and Safeguarding modules already, you will see another significant release for updates based on your feedback. Of particular note for this release is the out-of-hours notification functionality, which is now specific to each template, ensuring that concerns reach the right staff as soon as possible. We have updated the ‘abandon ILP’ functionality to allow managers to reopen abandoned ILPs, and improved the security around distribution lists for Safeguarding.

The roadmap for the end of this year and into 2024 focuses on key customer priorities. These include updating the Markbook module to improve your oversight of attainment; updating the Curriculum Planning module to include T levels; and starting to move key modules out of ebs Central into Ontrack as part of our cloud vision. We expect the first module in this move to be Support Fund Manager, so any feedback on the module is gratefully received. I wish you all the best for the end of 2023, and as ever I welcome your feedback on this release.

Gabi Walshaw, Product Manager for Vocational Learning and Engage